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What is Anarchism?

What is Anarchism?
Anarchism is a political tradition that argues for struggle against all forms of oppression, hierarchy and domination. Anarchists are revolutionary, meaning that they aim to completely eradicate all coercive relationships, structures and institutions such as racism, sexism, capitalism and the state. Anarchists work to create a society based on equality, mutual aid, co­operation and horizontal relationships.
Anarchist history is rich and full of vibrant movements and struggles. Feminist, disability, labour, queer, anti­racist and anti­colonial struggles have all been influenced by and influenced the development of anarchism as a political theory and movement. This means that anarchism is a lived and constantly developing political theory with people experimenting in different ways to put their politics to practice.
Have more questions about anarchism? The KW Anarchist Bookfair is the perfect place to be! Check out the zines and books in the tabling room, and if you can, attend the Anarchism 101 workshop. Check out some other workshops and talk to some people at the bookfair about anarchism. You can also check out some internet sources ­we recommend the Anarchist FAQ at

Posted in General.